<%= simple_form_for(@campaign, url: @action, wrapper_mappings: { check_boxes: :vertical_radio_and_checkboxes, radio_buttons: :vertical_radio_and_checkboxes, file: :vertical_file_input, boolean: :vertical_boolean }) do |frm| %>
<%= frm.input :advertisername, label: 'Business Name', hint: "The name of the company." %> <%= frm.input :listingcode, label: 'Listing Code', as: :hidden %> <%= frm.input :description, label: 'Description', as: 'text', hint: "Used for script research." %> <%= frm.input :productsandservices, label: 'Products & Services', hint: "Used in script and video research. List of items, Type product or service, then press enter to add another item." %> <%= frm.input :websiteurl, label: 'Website URL', hint: "Used for script research and may be used in the video if they are including websites in the video graphics." %> <%= frm.input :vpa, label: 'MIS Rep' %> <%= frm.input :vpa_email, label: 'MIS Rep Email' %> <%= frm.input :emailaddress, label: 'Email Address' %> <%= frm.input :businessphone, label: 'Business Phone' %> <%= frm.input :address, label: 'Address' %> <%= frm.input :city, label: 'City' %> <%= frm.input :state, label: 'State', collection: us_states%> <%= frm.input :zip, label: 'ZIP' %> <%= frm.input :awards, label: 'Awards', hint: "Used in script and video research." %> <%= frm.input :background, label: 'Background', hint: "This is the background of the company and is used for script research." %> <%= frm.input :categories, label: 'Industry Categories', hint: "Used in script and video research." %> <%= frm.input :companycolors, label: 'Company Colors', hint: "Comma separated.", placeholder: "ex: red, white, blue" %> <%= frm.input :facebookurl, label: 'Facebook URL', hint: "Used for script and photo research." %> <%= frm.input :targetaudience, label: 'Target Audience', hint: "Used in script and video research." %> <%= frm.input :tollfreephone, label: 'Tollfree Phone', hint: "Toll-free phone number of business. Used in video creation." %>
<%= frm.simple_fields_for(:videolistings, html: {class: 'form-horizontal'}) do |videolisting| %> <%= render 'videolisting_fields', :f => videolisting %> <% end %>
<%= frm.submit "Save For Later", :name => "save" %> <%= frm.submit "Publish", :name => "send", data: { confirm: 'Once you send to BetterVideo, you cannot edit again. Are you sure?' } %>
<% end %>