<%= f.input :videocode, label: 'Video Code', hint: "Unique identifier for every video." %> <%= f.input :producttypeid, label: "Product Type", collection: producttypeid_list, hint: "What type of content to create for this video. The types available are dependant on the pre-defined list of products." %> <%= f.input :voiceoverselection, label: 'Voiceover Selection', collection: voiceoverselection_list, hint: "What type of voiceover talent to use." %> <%= f.input :musicselection, label: 'Music Selection', collection: musicselection_list, hint: "What type of music to use in the video." %> <%= f.input :clientprovidedscript, label: 'Client Provided Script', as: 'text', hint: "If the customer has provided a script for BetterVideo to use. Formatting is text only." %> <%= f.input :notes, label: 'Production Notes', hint: "Notes and/or instructions sent in this field are used by the editors to aid in production of the video." %> <%= f.input :asseturls, label: 'Asset Urls', hint: "A list of all file assets. Comma Separated, (press backspace or click the x to remove)", input_html: {data: {role: "tagsinput" }, value: ""} %> {<%= link_to_remove_association "Remove Videolisting", f %>}