Set Environment Variables with LastPass ####################################### :author: tyrel :category: Tech :tags: bash, automation, work :status: published I have to use LastPass at work, and I store some API keys in there. Rather than copy/paste and have the actual api key on my terminal, I like to use ``read -rs ENV_VAR_NAME`` to set environment variables, so they are hidden from scrollback. Recently my coworker set something up that we need an environment variable set up for running some Terraform commands. I don't feel like pasting it in every time from LastPass, so I figured out how to set this up and automate it. I'm sure I've already talked a lot about how I love ``direnv`` and I maintain a lot of different ``.envrc`` files for work things. For my last team I had one per repo! Well ``direnv`` comes to the rescue again. * The first step is installing the `lastpass-cli `_. * Then you need to set it up so you log in, how you do that is up to you. I have lpass checking status, and if it exits nonzero, then running lpass login again in my direnv. * After that you can use ``lpass show`` and capture that in a variable to export your API key as an environment variable. .. code-block:: bash lpass status if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then lpass login fi export API_KEY=$(lpass show "Secret-Name-Here" --password) Example ``.envrc`` file. I love automating things, and when a coworker says "oh no we have to do this"... I run to automate it! Resources ~~~~~~~~~ * LastPass CLI * Direnv