New Blog - Pelican! ################### :date: 2022-10-16 23:30 :author: tyrel :category: Blog :tags: python, pelican :slug: pelican-new-blog :status: published If you have read the previous post, and then looked at this one, there are a LOT of changes that happened. I was recently exploited and had ``heysrv.php`` files everywhere, so I have decided to forego wordpress for now. I am now using `Pelican `_! It's very sleek, and only took me a few hours to port my Wordpress export to Pelican reStructuredText format. All I have to do is run ``invoke publish`` and it will be on the server. No PHP, no database. All files properly in their right places. It comes with your standard blogging experience: Categories, Tags, RSS/Atom feeds, etc. You need to set up Disqus — which I probably won't — in order to get comments though. I'm pleased with it. I have posts go under YYYY/MM/slug.html files, which I like for organization. Posting images is easy, I just toss it under ``content/images/YYYY/MM/`` with date for organization.