2022-06-14 04:15:06 +00:00
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2023-10-09 04:16:00 +00:00
< title > Tyrel Souza's Website< / title >
2023-10-09 15:02:11 +00:00
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< meta name = "title" content = "Tyrel Souza's Website" / >
< meta name = "description" content = "Personal website and blog of Tyrel Souza - A Software Engineer, Notary Public, Pilot, and Ham Radio Operator." / >
2022-06-14 04:15:06 +00:00
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< meta property = "og:description" content = "Personal website and blog of Tyrel Souza - A Software Engineer, Notary Public, Pilot, and Ham Radio Operator." / >
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< meta property = "twitter:description" content = "Personal website and blog of Tyrel Souza - A Software Engineer, Notary Public, Pilot, and Ham Radio Operator." / >
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2024-07-10 01:34:57 +00:00
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2024-07-10 01:34:57 +00:00
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2023-10-09 15:02:11 +00:00
< h1 class = "title mt-1" > Tyrel Souza< / h1 >
2023-10-09 04:16:00 +00:00
< p class = "title2" > Software Engineer< / p >
2022-06-14 04:15:06 +00:00
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< div class = "card-bio" >
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< p class = "bio-body" >
2023-10-09 04:16:00 +00:00
Hello, My name is Tyrel Souza.
I have been programming since 2010 professionally, and personally a decade prior.
I am also a Private Pilot, a Notary Public, and a Ham Radio Operator.
< / p >
< p class = "bio-body" >
2024-06-13 01:31:22 +00:00
I specialize in Python.
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< / p >
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2023-10-09 04:16:00 +00:00
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< a href = "https://tyrel.dev/blog/" class = "btn" > Read My Blog< / a >
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2023-10-09 04:16:00 +00:00
< a href = "https://tyrel.dev/links/" class = "btn" > Find Me Online< / a >
2022-06-14 04:15:06 +00:00
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2024-07-10 01:34:57 +00:00
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< a href = "https://gitea.tyrel.dev/tyrel" class = "btn" > Code< / a >
< a href = "https://linkedin.com/in/tyrel-souza" class = "btn" > LinkedIN< / a >
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2023-10-09 15:02:11 +00:00
< h2 class = "title mt-3" > Technologies< / h2 >
< div class = "text-center mt-1" >
< i title = "Programming Language: python" class = "lang-icon-large devicon-python-plain" > < / i >
< i title = "Programming Language: go" class = "lang-icon-large devicon-go-plain" > < / i >
2024-06-13 01:31:22 +00:00
< i title = "Programming Language: javascript" class = "lang-icon-large devicon-javascript-plain" > < / i >
2023-10-09 15:02:11 +00:00
< i title = "Programming Language: rust" class = "lang-icon-large devicon-rust-plain" > < / i >
< i title = "Programming Framework: django" class = "lang-icon-large devicon-django-plain" > < / i >
< i title = "Programming Framework: vuejs" class = "lang-icon-large devicon-vuejs-plain" > < / i >
< i title = "Programming Framework: rails" class = "lang-icon-large devicon-rails-plain" > < / i >
2022-06-14 04:15:06 +00:00
< / div >
2023-10-09 15:02:11 +00:00
< h2 class = "title mt-3" > Current Projects< / h1 >
< p class = "bio-body mt-1" >
2024-06-13 01:31:22 +00:00
< a href = "https://gitea.tyrel.dev/tyrel/iptui" >
IPTUI - Text UI IP Address Browser
< i class = "lang-icon devicon-rust-plain" > < / i >
2023-10-09 15:02:11 +00:00
< / a >
< / p >
2023-10-09 04:16:00 +00:00
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2023-10-09 04:16:00 +00:00
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2023-10-09 15:02:11 +00:00
< p class = "bio-body mt-4" >
< a href = "https://gitea.tyrel.dev/tyrel/rustylinks" >
RustyLinks - Linktree Clone
< i class = "lang-icon devicon-rust-plain" > < / i > < / a >
< / p >
2023-10-09 04:16:00 +00:00
< div class = "progress" style = "height: 8px;" >
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2024-06-13 01:31:22 +00:00
< / div >
< p class = "bio-body mt-4" >
< a href = "https://gitea.tyrel.dev/tyrel/benchtopdevices" >
Benchtop Devices - PDF Sheet Generator
< i class = "lang-icon devicon-python-plain" > < / i >
< i class = "lang-icon devicon-csharp-plain" > < / i >
< i class = "lang-icon devicon-javascript-plain" > < / i >
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2023-10-09 04:16:00 +00:00
< p class = "footer-title" > Tyrel Souza - Chapel Hill, North Carolina< / p >
2022-06-14 04:15:06 +00:00
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