--[[ LOVE STUFF ]] function love.load() gameState = "menu" myFont = love.graphics.newFont(30) love.window.setMode(1440, 700) myWorld = love.physics.newWorld(0, 500, false) myWorld:setCallbacks(beginContact, endContact, preSolve, postSolve) sprites = {} sprites.coin_sheet = love.graphics.newImage('sprites/coin_sheet.png') sprites.player_jump = love.graphics.newImage('sprites/player_jump.png') sprites.player_stand = love.graphics.newImage('sprites/player_stand.png') require('player') require('coin') anim8 = require 'anim8' sti = require 'sti' camera = require 'camera' platforms = {} cam = camera() gameMap = sti("maps/map.lua", { "box2d" }) for i, obj in pairs(gameMap.layers['platforms'].objects) do spawnPlatform(obj.x, obj.y, obj.width, obj.height) end for i, obj in pairs(gameMap.layers['coins'].objects) do spawnCoin(obj.x, obj.y) end DIRECTION_LEFT = -1 DIRECTION_RIGHT = 1 end function love.update(dt) myWorld:update(dt) playerUpdate(dt) gameMap:update(dt) coinUpdate(dt) cam:lookAt(player.body:getX(), love.graphics.getHeight()/2) for i,c in ipairs(coins) do c.animation:update(dt) end end function love.draw() cam:attach() gameMap:drawLayer(gameMap.layers['Tile Layer 1']) love.graphics.draw( player.sprite, player.body:getX(), player.body:getY(), nil, player.direction, 1, sprites.player_stand:getWidth()/2, sprites.player_stand:getHeight()/2) for i, c in ipairs(coins) do c.animation:draw(sprites.coin_sheet, c.x, c.y, nil, nil, nil, 20.5, 21) end cam:detach() if gameState == "menu" then love.graphics.setFont(myFont) love.graphics.printf("Press any key to begin!", 0, 50, love.graphics.getWidth(), "center") end end function love.keypressed(key, scancode, isrepeat) if key == "space" and player.grounded then player.body:applyLinearImpulse(0, -2800) end if gameState == "menu" then gameState = "game" end end function spawnPlatform(x, y, width, height) local platform = {} platform.body = love.physics.newBody(myWorld, x, y, 'static') platform.shape = love.physics.newRectangleShape(width/2, height/2, width, height) platform.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(platform.body, platform.shape) platform.width = width platform.height = height table.insert(platforms, platform) end function beginContact(a, b, coll) player.grounded = true end function endContact(a, b, coll) player.grounded = false end function distanceBetweenObjects(obj1, obj2) return distanceBetween(obj1.x, obj1.y, obj2.x, obj2.y) end function distanceBetween(x1, y1, x2, y2) return math.sqrt((y2 - y1)^2 + (x2 - x1)^2) end