How does this work?

This tool is intended to streamline the process of adding listings. Fill in the information below just once, and we’ll send it along to Localeze.

After you submit a listing, all listing account management still needs to take place within Localeze. For example, if you need to modify, verify, or access a listing for any reason, you must log in to Localeze separately and manage listings from those locations.

<%= form_for @listentry do |f| %>
<%= f.label :Address %> <%= f.text_field :Address %>
<%= f.label :AltNumber %> <%= f.text_field :AltNumber %>
<%= f.label :BusinessName %> <%= f.text_field :BusinessName %>
<%= f.label :City %> <%= f.text_field :City %>
<%= f.label :CreditCards %> <%= f.text_field :CreditCards %>
<%= f.label :Department %> <%= f.text_field :Department %>
<%= f.label :Fax %> <%= f.text_field :Fax %>
<%= f.label :LogoImage %> <%= f.text_field :LogoImage %>
<%= f.label :Phone %> <%= f.text_field :Phone %>
<%= f.label :State %> <%= f.text_field :State %>
<%= f.label :URL %> <%= f.text_field :URL %>
<%= f.label :UnstructuredTerms %> <%= f.text_field :UnstructuredTerms %>
<%= f.label :Zip %> <%= f.text_field :Zip %>
<%= f.label :eMail %> <%= f.text_field :eMail %>
<%= f.collection_select(:localeze_categories , LocalezeCategory.find(:all), :id , :name, {}, { :multiple => true, :size => 3 }) %> {{form.payment_types_commadelimited}}
<%= select( "hours_sunday", "open", hours_hash) %> <%= select( "hours_sunday", "close", hours_hash) %>
<%= select( "hours_monday", "open", hours_hash) %> <%= select( "hours_monday", "close", hours_hash) %>
<%= select( "hours_tuesday", "open", hours_hash) %> <%= select( "hours_tuesday", "close", hours_hash) %>
<%= select( "hours_wednesday", "open", hours_hash) %> <%= select( "hours_wednesday", "close", hours_hash) %>
<%= select( "hours_thursday", "open", hours_hash) %> <%= select( "hours_thursday", "close", hours_hash) %>
<%= select( "hours_friday", "open", hours_hash) %> <%= select( "hours_friday", "close", hours_hash) %>
<%= select( "hours_saturday", "open", hours_hash) %> <%= select( "hours_saturday", "close", hours_hash) %>
<% end %>