require 'cgi' # To run, this needs the following gems # 'savon', '~> 2.0' # 'rails_config' # 'gyoku', '~> 1.0'# # class LocalezeClient def initialize @client = Savon.client(wsdl: Settings.localeze_wsdl, namespace: Settings.localeze_wsdl, pretty_print_xml: true) end # Check that a supplied listing is available to claim. def check(listing) value = record_to_xml(listing, true) query =, message: message(:add, value, :check)) result = get_deep_value(query) check_success?(result['ErrorCode']) ? true : get_errors(result) end # Create the supplied listing. def create(listing) value = record_to_xml(listing, true) query =, message: message(:add, value, :create)) result = get_deep_value(query) create_success?(result['ErrorCode']) ? true : get_errors(result) # TODO[1] end # Cache the categories def categories @_categories ||= categories! # Memoizing end private # Cached methods # make a call to localeze to get a list of all the categories available def categories! query =, message: message(:query, 'ACTIVEHEADINGS', :category)) headings = get_heading(query) headings['ActiveHeadings']['Heading'] end # Not sure why, but Localeze returns either an ErrorMessage or a Validator with a Resolution if there's an error. # This will get the error code regardless of where it is in one of these locations def get_errors(result) if result.has_key?('ErrorMessage') return result['ErrorMessage'] elsif result.has_key?('Validators') return result['Validators']['Resolution'] # TODO[2] end end # The value that localeze gives us is very deep, this method # cleans that up a little in the implementation depending on the element def get_deep_value(query) Hash.from_xml(query.to_hash[:query_response][:response][:result][:element][:value].to_s)['Response'] end # This is a helper method to generate the giant dictionary you send as a message. # Rather than needing to supply this dictionary every time, all you need to supply is the Action Key, # the value to send, and the ElementId def message(key, value, element) {origination: { username: Settings.localeze_username, password: Settings.localeze_password }, serviceId: Settings.localeze_serviceid, transId: 1, elements: {id: Settings.localeze_ids[element]}, serviceKeys: {serviceKey: { id: Settings.localeze_ids[key], value: value} } } end # This will wrap a record hash into the xml format required by localeze, also escape if needed. # The reason it doesn't just use to_xml, is because we needed the "Edition" attribute. def record_to_xml(record, escape = false) bmps = {'BPMSPost' => {'Record' => record }, :attributes! => { 'BPMSPost' => { 'Edition' => '1.1' }}} Gyoku.xml(bmps, {:key_converter => :none}) end # These two methods check that the error codes returned are Success codes. def check_success? code Settings[:localeze_check_success].include? code end def create_success? code Settings[:localeze_create_success].include? code end end