
150 lines
3.5 KiB

package gui
import (
tea ""
var (
titleStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().MarginLeft(2)
itemStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().PaddingLeft(4)
selectedItemStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().PaddingLeft(2).Foreground(lipgloss.Color("170"))
paginationStyle = list.DefaultStyles().PaginationStyle.PaddingLeft(4)
helpStyle = list.DefaultStyles().HelpStyle.PaddingLeft(4).PaddingBottom(1)
quitTextStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().Margin(1, 0, 2, 4)
type itemDelegate struct{}
func (d itemDelegate) Height() int {
return 1
func (d itemDelegate) Spacing() int {
return 0
func (d itemDelegate) Update(msg tea.Msg, m *list.Model) tea.Cmd {
return nil
func (d itemDelegate) Render(w io.Writer, m list.Model, index int, listItem list.Item) {
i, ok := listItem.(models.Card)
if !ok {
checked := " " // not selected
if i.Selected {
checked = "✓" // selected!
str := fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %d. %s", checked, index+1, i.ToString())
fn := itemStyle.Render
if index == m.Index() {
fn = func(s string) string {
return selectedItemStyle.Render("> " + s)
fmt.Fprint(w, fn(str))
func (m *model) updateSelect(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case tea.WindowSizeMsg:
return m, nil
// Is it a key press?
case tea.KeyMsg:
switch msg.String() {
case "ctrl+c", "q":
return m, tea.Quit
// The "up" and "k" keys move the selectCardIndex up
case "up", "k":
if m.selectCardIndex > 0 {
// The "down" and "j" keys move the selectCardIndex down
case "down", "j":
if m.selectCardIndex < len(m.deck)-1 {
case "d":
case "c":
// The "enter" key and the spacebar (a literal space) toggle
// the selected state for the item that the selectCardIndex is pointing at.
case "enter", " ":
card, ok := m.selectList.SelectedItem().(models.Card)
if ok {
idx := SliceIndex(len(m.deck), func(i int) bool { return m.deck[i].Id == card.Id })
fmt.Printf("%d IS THE CARD: %s", idx, card.Front)
if _, ok := m.selected[idx]; ok {
delete(m.selected, idx)
m.deck[idx].Selected = false
} else {
m.selected[idx] = struct{}{}
m.deck[idx].Selected = true
m.selectList.SetItem(idx, m.deck[idx])
var cmd tea.Cmd
m.selectList, cmd = m.selectList.Update(msg)
return m, cmd
func (m *model) viewSelect() string {
s := "Select cards to draw:\n\n"
//// Iterate over our choices
//for i, choice := range m.deck {
// // Is the selectCardIndex pointing at this choice?
// cursor := " " // no selectCardIndex
// if m.selectCardIndex == i {
// cursor = ">" // selectCardIndex!
// }
// // Is this choice selected?
// checked := " " // not selected
// if _, ok := m.selected[i]; ok {
// checked = "✓" // selected!
// }
// // Render the row
// s += fmt.Sprintf("%s [%s] %s\n", cursor, checked, choice.Front)
s += m.selectList.View()
// The footer
s += "\nPress [↑/k] move up.\nPress [↓/j] move down.\nPress [enter/space] to toggle selection.\n"
s += "\nPress [c] to Create.\nPress [d] to Draw.\nPress [q] to quit.\n"
// Send the UI for rendering
return s
func SliceIndex(limit int, predicate func(i int) bool) int {
for i := 0; i < limit; i++ {
if predicate(i) {
return i
return -1