import datetime import os from collections import defaultdict from PIL import ImageFont, Image import inkyphat FAKE = True text ="numbers.png") text_mask = inkyphat.create_mask(text, [inkyphat.WHITE]) def print_digit(position, digit): """Print a single digit using the sprite sheet. Each number is grabbed from the masked sprite sheet, and then used as a mask to paste the desired color onto Inky pHATs image buffer. """ o_x, o_y = position num_margin = 2 num_width = 6 num_height = 7 s_x = num_margin + (digit * (num_width + num_margin)) sprite = text_mask.crop((s_x, 0, s_x + num_width, num_height)) inkyphat.paste(inkyphat.BLACK, (o_x, o_y), sprite) def print_number(position, number): """Prints a number using the sprite sheet.""" for digit in str(number): print_digit(position, int(digit)) position = (position[0] + 8, position[1]) def main(): pages = {'2014': 7375, '2015': 23508, '2016': 17696, '2017': 19706, '2018': 9388} books = {"2018":33,"2017":64,"2016":47,"2015":75,"2014":19} if not FAKE: pages, books = get_goodreads_stats() stats = get_stats(pages, books) draw(stats) def get_goodreads_stats(): from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.firefox.firefox_binary import FirefoxBinary payload = { 'email': os.environ.get('EMAIL'), 'password': os.environ.get('PASSW'), } LOGIN_URL= '' #driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_binary=FirefoxBinary("/usr/bin/firefox")) print("before driver") driver = webdriver.Firefox() print("after driver") driver.get(LOGIN_URL) print("after login") username = driver.find_element_by_id('user_email') password = driver.find_element_by_id('user_password') username.send_keys(payload['email']) password.send_keys(payload['password']) form = driver.find_element_by_name('sign_in') form.submit() driver.get('') pages = driver.execute_script('return page_stats') books = driver.execute_script('return year_stats') print("Got stats from goodreads live:") print(pages) print(books) return pages, books def get_stats(pages, books): size = 5 coords = defaultdict(list) columns = ["year", "books", "pages"] start_x, start_y = 12, 25 column_offset = [0,78,140] year_offset = 15 _stats = [] for idy, year in enumerate(sorted(pages.keys(), key=lambda yr: -int(yr))): row = {} col_data = {'year':year, 'pages': pages[year], 'books': books[year]} y = start_y + (year_offset * idy) for idx, column in enumerate(columns): x = start_x + column_offset[idx] row[column] = (col_data[column], (x,y)) _stats.append(row) return _stats def draw(stats): inkyphat.set_colour('red') inkyphat.set_border(inkyphat.WHITE) inkyphat.set_image("./background.png") draw_row('year', stats) draw_row('books', stats) draw_row('pages', stats) def draw_row(row, stats): for year in stats: count = year[row][0] x,y = year[row][1] print_number((x,y), count) if __name__ == "__main__": main()