
51 lines
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import json
import pytest
import httpx
from api import API
from pytest_httpx import HTTPXMock
LINK1 = '<>; rel="next", <>; rel="last"'
LINK2 = '<>; rel="prev", <>; rel="last"'
def _load_fixture(name: str):
with open(f"./tests/fixtures/{name}.json", "r") as f:
return json.loads(
def test_except(httpx_mock: HTTPXMock):
httpx_mock.add_response(method="GET", status_code=403)
with pytest.raises(httpx.HTTPStatusError):
def test_get(httpx_mock: HTTPXMock):
httpx_mock.add_response(method="GET", json=_load_fixture("user"))
api = API()
assert api.get("users")["login"] == "tyrelsouza"
def test_get_with_pagination(httpx_mock: HTTPXMock):
api = API()
# link, so multiple pages
method="GET", json=_load_fixture("repos_1"), headers={"link": LINK1}
method="GET", json=_load_fixture("repos_2"), headers={"link": LINK2}
repos = api.get_with_pagination("repos")
assert len(repos) == 2
# No link, so no 2nd page, only one item
httpx_mock.add_response(method="GET", json=_load_fixture("repos_1"))
repos = api.get_with_pagination("repos")
assert len(repos) == 1
# test exit on dict
httpx_mock.add_response(method="GET", json=_load_fixture("user"))
user = api.get_with_pagination("user")
assert user["login"] == "tyrelsouza"