2022-10-05 10:10:20 -04:00

29 lines
1.4 KiB

function _fzf_search_processes --description "Search all running processes. Replace the current token with the pid of the selected process."
# use all caps to be consistent with ps default format
# snake_case because ps doesn't seem to allow spaces in the field names
set ps_preview_fmt (string join ',' 'pid' 'ppid=PARENT' 'user' '%cpu' 'rss=RSS_IN_KB' 'start=START_TIME' 'command')
set processes_selected (
ps -A -opid,command | \
_fzf_wrapper --multi \
--query (commandline --current-token) \
--ansi \
# first line outputted by ps is a header, so we need to mark it as so
--header-lines=1 \
# ps uses exit code 1 if the process was not found, in which case show an message explaining so
--preview="ps -o '$ps_preview_fmt' -p {1} || echo 'Cannot preview {1} because it exited.'" \
--preview-window="bottom:4:wrap" \
if test $status -eq 0
for process in $processes_selected
set --append pids_selected (string split --no-empty --field=1 -- " " $process)
# string join to replace the newlines outputted by string split with spaces
commandline --current-token --replace -- (string join ' ' $pids_selected)
commandline --function repaint