#!/usr/bin/env bash # Take a screenshot of a selected area and upload it somewhere. # # Requires: # * scrot # * xclip ### CHANGE THESE FUNCTIONS: # Host is the ssh host HOST=tyrel.dev # Site is the domain (can differ from host) SITE=tyrel.bike upload() { # Given a filepath and a target name, upload the screenshot chmod +r "$1" scp "$1" "$HOST:/www/$SITE/s/$2" } url() { # Given a target name, echo the expected URL of the uploaded screenshot echo "https://$SITE/s/$1" } ### (End) screenshot() { if $(which maim &> /dev/null); then maim -s $1 || return -1 elif $(which scrot &> /dev/null); then scrot -s $1 || return -1 elif $(which screencapture &> /dev/null); then screencapture -i $1 || return -1 else echo "No screenshot utility found. Install scrot." return -1 fi } clipboard() { if $(which xclip &> /dev/null); then echo $1 | xclip -r -selection clipboard elif $(which pbcopy &> /dev/null); then echo $1 | pbcopy else echo "No clipboard utility found. Install xclip." return -1 fi } notify() { if $(which osascript &> /dev/null); then osascript -e "display notification \"$2\" with title \"$1\"" elif $(which notify-send &> /dev/null); then notify-send "$1" "$2" else echo "Notification not supported, skipped: $1: $2" return -1 fi } fail() { echo "$2" exit $1 } # Fail early set -e # If a path is given, use that instead of taking a screenshot target="$1" name="$(date '+%d')" tmppath="$(mktemp -t ss.XXXX.png)" || fail 1 "failed to allocate a temporary file" # Make it hard to guess random_string=$(head -c512 /dev/urandom | shasum | head -c4) # Compose full filename filename="${name}_${random_string}.png" if [[ "${target}" ]]; then cp -p "${target}" "${tmppath}" else # Take the screenshot screenshot "${tmppath}" || fail 2 "failed to take screenshot" fi # Clear clipboard clipboard " " # Upload it url=$(url "${filename}") echo "Uploading: $url" upload "${tmppath}" "${filename}" || fail 3 "failed to upload ${tmppath}" # Copy to clipboard clipboard "${url}" echo "Copied to clipboard." # Clean up if [[ -f "${tmppath}" ]]; then rm "${tmppath}" fi notify "Uploaded Screenshot" "${url}"