#!/usr/local/bin/zsh # Aliases alias adg="workon addgene-core" alias adocs='cd $ADDGENE_CORE_REPO_DIR/docs && make html && open $ADDGENE_CORE_REPO_DIR/docs/build/html/index.html' alias aenv='env | sort | grep ADDGENE' alias ag='\ag --pager="less"' alias cg='cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"' alias dots="cd $(dirname `readlink ~/.vim`)" alias g='git' alias gp='git push' alias pdb="python -m pdb" alias ppjson="python -m json.tool" alias shrug="echo -n '¯\_(ツ)_/¯' | pbcopy" alias sl="source local.env" alias stabbats='sudo killall VDCAssistant && open https://appear.in/stab-bats' if [[ $OSTYPE == darwin* ]]; then alias rm=trash; fi; # Functions function adtest () { no_slashes="$(echo "$1" | sed -e 's/\//\./g')"; a_test="$(echo "$no_slashes" | sed -e 's/.py//g')"; a_project=$(echo -n "$a_test" | python -c "import sys; print sys.stdin.read().split('.', 1)[0]"); run_test=$(echo "bin/manage_$a_project.py test $a_test"); echo "Evaling $run_test"; eval $run_test; } function cpbr () { if branch=$(git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD) then printf "$branch" | pbcopy osascript -e "display notification \"$branch copied to clipboard\" with title \"cpbr\"" else echo "no branch, can't copy" fi } function hidden() { ls -a "$@" | grep '^\.'; } function h () { if [ -z "$*" ] then history else history | egrep "$@" fi } # options export LESS=-RFX export PAGER="less"