bye emacs

This commit is contained in:
Tyrel Souza 2023-01-01 22:56:25 -05:00
parent 152cc432bb
commit 68c3bbadd3
2 changed files with 0 additions and 295 deletions

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@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
(setq debug-on-error t)
;;;; Package management
;; Packages
(require package)
;; package setup
(add-to-list package-archives
(“melpa” . ““))
(add-to-list package-archives
(“marmalade” . ““) t)
;; (package-refresh-contents)
;;;; Development
;; Packages
(require yasnippet)
(require auto-complete)
(require autopair)
(require flycheck)
(require magit)
;; Yasnippet setup
;; None required
;; Auto-complete setup
;; TODO: Sort this setup
(require auto-complete-config)
(add-to-list ac-dictionary-directories “~/.emacs.d/ac-dict”)
(ac-set-trigger-key “TAB”)
(ac-set-trigger-key “<tab>“)
ac-auto-start 2
ac-override-local-map nil
ac-use-menu-map t
ac-candidate-limit 20)
;; Autopair setup
;; None required
;; Flycheck setup
(global-flycheck-mode t)
;; Magit setup
(global-set-key “\C-xg” magit-status)
(setq magit-last-seen-setup-instructions “1.4.0")
;;;; Python
;; Packges for development
(setq py-install-directory “~/.emacs.d/elpa/python-mode-20150520.353”)
(add-to-list load-path py-install-directory)
(require python-mode)
(require jedi)
;; python-mode setup
(add-to-list auto-mode-alist (“\\.py$” . python-mode))
(setq py-electric-colon-active t)
(add-hook python-mode-hook yas-minor-mode)
(add-hook python-mode-hook auto-complete-mode)
(add-hook python-mode-hook autopair-mode)
;; Jedi setup
(add-hook python-mode-hook (lambda () (jedi:setup)))
(setq jedi:complete-on-dot t)
;; pdb setup
;; Note the Python version
(setq pdb-path /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/
gud-pdb-command-name (symbol-name pdb-path))
(defadvice pdb (before gud-query-cmdline activate)
“Provide a better default command line when called interactively.”
(list (gud-query-cmdline pdb-path
(file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name)))))
;; Ensure local Python libraries can be found
;; (setenv “PYTHONPATH” (concat “~/Projects/Blue-Peninsula/bp-content/local/lib/python2.7:” (getenv “PYTHONPATH”)))
;; (setenv “PYTHONPATH” “~/Projects/Blue-Peninsula/bp-content/local/lib/python2.7")
(setenv “PYTHONPATH” “/home/addgenie/virtualenvs/addgene/lib/python2.7:/home/addgenie/virtualenvs/addgene/lib/python2.7/site-packages”)
;;;; JavaScript
;; Packages
(require js2-mode)
(require ac-js2)
(require web-beautify)
(require tern)
(require tern-auto-complete)
;; js-mode setup
(add-to-list auto-mode-alist (“\\.json$” . js-mode))
(add-hook js-mode-hook js2-minor-mode)
(add-hook js-mode-hook yas-minor-mode)
(add-hook js2-mode-hook ac-js2-mode)
;; (setq js2-highlight-level 3)
;; Tern setup
(add-hook js-mode-hook (lambda () (tern-mode t)))
(add-hook js-mode-hook auto-complete-mode)
(eval-after-load tern
(require tern-auto-complete)
(defun delete-tern-process ()
(delete-process “Tern”))
;;;; R
;; Packages
(require ess-site)
;;;; MIT/GNU Scheme
;; Packages
(require xscheme)
;; xcheme setup
(setq scheme-program-name “/Applications/”)
;; Packages
(add-to-list load-path “~/.emacs.d/matlab-emacs”)
(require matlab-load)
;; matlab-emacs setup
;; None required
;;;; Emacs
;; Custom variables
;; TODO: Sort these variables
;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they wont work right.
(dired-use-ls-dired nil)
(ess-default-style (quote DEFAULT))
(ess-keep-dump-files “always”)
(ess-use-auto-complete t)
(indent-tabs-mode nil)
(inferior-ess-client-command “Initial”)
(inferior-ess-client-name “Initial”)
(inferior-ess-ddeclient “Initial”)
(inhibit-startup-screen t)
(matlab-indent-level 2))
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they wont work right.
;; Path setup
(setenv “PATH” (concat “/opt/local/bin:” (getenv “PATH”)))
(setq exec-path (append (“/opt/local/bin”) exec-path))
(setenv “PATH” (concat “/usr/local/bin:” (getenv “PATH”)))
(setq exec-path (append (“/usr/local/bin”) exec-path))
;; Frame setup
(setq initial-frame-alist
((top . 1) (left . 177) (width . 125) (height . 52)))
;; dired setup
(setq default-directory “/Users/raymondleclair/Projects”)
;; ido setup
(ido-mode t)
;; ispell setup
(setq ispell-program-name “/opt/local/bin/aspell”)
;; abbrev-mode setup
(setq abbrev-file-name “~/.emacs.d/abbrev_defs”)

View File

@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
;;;; Requirements:
;; + Emacs >= 24
;; $ sudo pip install jedi
;; $ sudo pip install epc
;; $ sudo npm install -g js-beautify
;; $ sudo npm install -g tern
;; $ sudo npm install -g jshint
;; $ cd ~/Packages
;; $ git clone
;; $ cd ESS
;; $ make
;; Run sudo make install twice. See: Makeconf
;; # make install (for Applications/
;; # make install (for /opt/local/emacs)
;; See:
;; + MIT/GNU Scheme
;; See:
;; $ cd ~/.emacs.d
;; $ cvs login
;; $ cvs -z3 co -P matlab-emacs
;; $ cd matlab-emacs
;; $ make
;; See:
;; $ tar -zxvf aspell6-en-7.1-0.tar.gz
;; $ cd aspell6-en-7.1-0
;; $ ./configure
;; $ make
;; # sudo make install
;;;; Package management
;; M-x eval-buffer
;; Packages
(require package)
;; package setup
(add-to-list package-archives
(“melpa” . ““))
(add-to-list package-archives
(“marmalade” . ““) t)
;; Package functions
(defun install-if-needed (package)
(unless (package-installed-p package)
(package-install package)))
;;;; Development
;; Packages
(setq to-install
(yasnippet auto-complete autopair flycheck magit))
(mapc install-if-needed to-install)
;;;; Python
;; Requirements:
;; $ sudo pip install jedi
;; $ sudo pip install epc
;; Packages
(setq to-install
(python-mode jedi))
(mapc install-if-needed to-install)
;;;; JavaScript
;; Requirements:
;; $ sudo npm install -g js-beautify
;; $ sudo npm install -g tern
;; $ sudo npm install -g jshint
;; Packages for development
(setq to-install
(js2-mode ac-js2 web-beautify tern tern-auto-complete))
(mapc install-if-needed to-install)
;;;; R
;; Requirements:
;; $ cd ~/Packages
;; $ git clone
;; $ cd ESS
;; $ make
;; # make install
;; See:
;;;; MIT/GNU Scheme
;; Requirements:
;; + MIT/GNU Scheme
;; See:
;; Requirements
;; $ cd ~/.emacs.d
;; $ cvs login
;; $ cvs -z3 co -P matlab-emacs
;; $ cd matlab-emacs
;; $ make
;; See:
;;;; Emacs
;; Requirements:
;; $ sudo port install aspell