
825 lines
32 KiB

(ns lemondronor.advisorycircular
["commander" :as commander]
["fs" :as fs]
[cljs.pprint :as pprint]
[clojure.set :as set]
[clojure.string :as string]
[kitchen-async.promise :as p]
[lemondronor.advisorycircular.adsbx :as adsbx]
[lemondronor.advisorycircular.generation :as generation]
[lemondronor.advisorycircular.geo :as geo]
[lemondronor.advisorycircular.logging :as logging]
[lemondronor.advisorycircular.pelias :as pelias]
[lemondronor.advisorycircular.twitter :as twitter]
[lemondronor.advisorycircular.util :as util]
["sqlite" :as sqlite]))
(declare logger log-debug log-verbose log-info log-warn log-error)
(logging/deflog "advisorycircular" logger)
(def log-prefix (atom ""))
(defn parse-json [s]
(.parse js/JSON s))
(defn create-aircraft-info-db [json-path sqb-path]
(log-info "Reading %s" json-path)
(p/let [info-str (util/read-file json-path)
info (parse-json info-str)
_ (log-info "Creating DB %s" sqb-path)
db (sqlite/open sqb-path clj->js {js/Promise js/Promise})]
(.run db "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS aircraft")
(.run db "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_aircraft_icao")
(.run db
(str "CREATE TABLE aircraft ("
"registration TEXT,"
"type TEXT"
(p/let [count (p/loop [count 0
keys (seq (goog.object/getKeys info))
_ nil]
(when (and (> count 0) (zero? (mod count 100000)))
(log-info "Inserted %s records" count))
(if (seq keys)
(let [icao (first keys)
rec (aget info icao)
reg (aget rec "r")
type (aget rec "d")]
(inc count)
(rest keys)
(.run db "INSERT INTO aircraft (icao, registration, type) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"
(aget rec "r")
(aget rec "d"))))
(.run db "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_aircraft_icao ON aircraft (icao)")
(log-info "Committing %s records" count))
(.run db "COMMIT")))
(defn get-aircraft-info-record [icao db-path]
(log-info "%s: Looking up in %s" icao db-path)
(p/let [record
(p/-> (sqlite/open db-path clj->js {js/Promise js/Promise})
(.get "SELECT registration, type from aircraft where icao = ?" icao))]
(log-info "%s: aircraft-info record: %s" icao (js->clj record :keywordize-keys true))
(-> record
(js->clj :keywordize-keys true))))
(defn parse-adsbexchange-ac-element [e]
(let [nilstr #(if (= % "") nil %)
numstr #(if (= % "") nil (js/parseFloat %))
boolstr #(if (or (= % "1") (= (string/lower-case %) "true"))
{:postime (numstr (e "postime"))
:lat (numstr (e "lat"))
:lon (numstr (e "lon"))
:icao (e "icao")
:registration (nilstr (e "reg"))
:alt (numstr (e "alt"))
:gnd? (boolstr (e "gnd"))
:mlat? (= (e "mlat") "1")
:speed (numstr (e "spd"))
:squawk (nilstr (e "sqk"))
:military? (= (e "mil") "1")
:callsign (nilstr (e "call"))
:type (nilstr (e "type"))}))
(defn parse-adsbexchange-live-data [json-str]
(map parse-adsbexchange-ac-element
(js->clj (parse-json json-str))
(defn get-adsbexchange-live-data [{:keys [url lat lon radius-nm api-key api-whitelist]}]
(let [url (->> [url
"lat" lat
"lon" lon
"dist" (.toFixed radius-nm 1)]
(map str)
(string/join "/"))
headers (cond-> {:api-auth api-key}
api-whitelist (assoc :ADSBX-WL api-whitelist))]
(p/let [http-result (util/http-get url {:headers headers})]
(let [result (parse-adsbexchange-live-data http-result)]
(log-verbose "Got %s aircraft from API" (count (:aircraft result)))
;; Given a vector of position history, removes old entries.
(defn prune-history [history now config]
(let [h (filterv #(< (- now (:time %)) (:max-history-age-ms config)) history)]
(defn update-history-db-record [db ac]
(let [icao (:icao ac)
new-history-entry {:lat (:lat ac)
:lon (:lon ac)
:alt (:alt ac)
:gnd? (:gnd? ac)
:time (:postime ac)}]
(if (contains? db icao)
(let [old-record (db icao)
history (:history (db icao))
updated-record (-> old-record
(merge ac)
(assoc :history (conj history new-history-entry)))]
(assoc db icao updated-record))
(assoc db icao (assoc ac :history [new-history-entry])))))
(defn update-history-db-add-new-data [db new-data now]
(let [initial-count (count db)
initial-icaos (set (keys db))
updated-db (reduce update-history-db-record db new-data)
new-count (count updated-db)
new-icaos (set/difference (set (keys updated-db)) initial-icaos)]
(log-verbose "Added %s new aircraft records (%s). %s total."
(- new-count initial-count)
(string/join "," new-icaos)
(defn prune-histories [db now config]
(reduce-kv (fn [m k v]
(assoc m k (update v :history prune-history now config)))
;; Removes entries for any aircraft that we haven't seen in a while.
(defn prune-records [db now]
(let [initial-count (count db)
initial-icaos (set (keys db))
pruned-db (reduce-kv (fn [m k v]
(if (or (> (count (:history v)) 0)
(if-let [ended-circling-time (:ended-circling-time v)]
(< (- now ended-circling-time) (* 30 60 1000))))
(assoc m k v)
new-count (count pruned-db)
pruned-icaos (set/difference initial-icaos (set (keys pruned-db)))]
(log-verbose "Pruned %s stale aircraft records (%s). %s remain"
(- initial-count new-count)
(string/join "," pruned-icaos)
(defn debug-print [& args]
(apply println (drop 1 args))
(println (first args))
(first args))
(defn update-history-db [db new-data now config]
(-> db
(update-history-db-add-new-data new-data now)
(prune-histories now config)
(prune-records now)))
(defn write-history-db [db path]
(fs/writeFileSync path (.stringify js/JSON (clj->js db) nil " "))
;; Reads the history database from a path. Returns a promise that
;; resolves to the database value.
(defn read-history-db [path]
(p/let [json-str (util/read-file path {:encoding "utf-8"})
db (js->clj (parse-json json-str) :keywordize-keys true)
db (into {} (map (fn [[k v]] [(name k) v]) db))]
(log-verbose "Loaded %s aircraft from database %s" (count db) path)
(defn current-time []
(/ (.getTime (js/Date.)) 1))
(defn ac-desc [ac]
(str (:icao ac) " " "" (:icao ac)
" " (:lat ac) " " (:lon ac)
" " (:registration ac) " " (:alt ac) " " (:curviness ac) " "
(:normalized-curviness ac)))
(defn map-screenshot
([icao lat lon now]
(map-screenshot icao lat lon now {}))
([icao lat lon now options]
(p/let [image-path (str (string/join "-" [@log-prefix icao (util/format-utc-ts now)])
_ (adsbx/screenshot-aircraft icao lat lon
{:timeout 30000
:output-path image-path
:headless? true
:layer (:layer options)
:zoom (:zoom options)
;; :viewport {:width 1600 :height 800}
;; :clip {:width 1600 :height 800 :x 0 :y 0}
(log-verbose "%s: Got screenshot" icao)
(defn airport-data-aircraft-photo [icao reg]
(log-info "%s: Geting aircraft-data photo" icao)
(let [query (cond-> {:m icao :n 1}
(assoc :r reg))]
(p/let [r (util/http-get ""
{:query query})]
(let [r (js->clj (parse-json r) :keywordize-keys true)]
(if (and (:data r) (> (count (:data r)) 0))
(p/let [url (get-in r [:data 0 :image])
image (util/http-get url {:encoding nil})]
(log-info "%s: No aircraft-data photo available" icao)
(defn aircraft-photo [icao registration]
(p/let [photo (p/race [(p/let [_ (util/timeout 7000)]
(airport-data-aircraft-photo icao registration)])]
(if (= photo :timeout)
(log-warn "%s: airport-data API timed out" icao)
(defn circling? [ac config]
(and (> (geo/flight-curviness (filter #(not (:gnd? %)) (:history ac)))
(:curviness-threshold-degrees config))
(> (:alt ac) 300)))
(defn circling2? [ac config]
(let [relevant-history (filter #(not (:gnd? %)) (:history ac))]
(and (> (geo/flight-curviness relevant-history) (:curviness-threshold-degrees config))
(> (:alt ac) 300))))
;; Returns a vector of two elements,
;; [updated-database potentially-circling-aircraft]
(defn detect-circles [db now config]
(log-verbose "Detecting circles")
(loop [old-db (seq db)
new-db {}
potential-circles '()]
(if (seq old-db)
(let [[icao ac] (first old-db)
curviness (geo/flight-curviness (:history ac))
ac (assoc ac
:curviness curviness
:normalized-curviness (geo/flight-normalized-curviness (:history ac)))
currently-circling? (circling2? ac config)
previously-circling? (:started-circling-time ac)]
(and currently-circling?
(not previously-circling?)
(or (nil? (:ended-circling-time ac))
(> (- now (:ended-circling-time ac)) (* 30 60 1000))))
(let [new-ac (assoc ac :started-circling-time now)]
(recur (rest old-db)
(assoc new-db icao new-ac)
(conj potential-circles new-ac)))
(and previously-circling?
(not currently-circling?))
(let [started-circling-time (:started-circling-time ac)
new-ac (assoc ac
:started-circling-time nil
:ended-circling-time now)]
(log-info "%s: Circle terminated after %s secs: %s"
(/ (- now started-circling-time) 1000)
(ac-desc ac))
(recur (rest old-db)
(assoc new-db icao new-ac)
(recur (rest old-db)
(assoc new-db icao ac)
[new-db potential-circles])))
(defn parse-number [s]
(let [v (js/parseFloat s)]
(if (js/isNaN v)
(throw (str "Not a number: " s))
(defn nearby-airports
([config lat lon]
(nearby-airports config lat lon {}))
([config lat lon options]
(p/let [radius (or (:radius options) 7)
results (pelias/nearby (:pelias config)
lat lon
{:categories "transport:air:aerodrome" radius})
blocklist (get-in config [:airport :blocklist] [])
blocklist-patterns (map #(re-pattern (str "(?i)" %)) blocklist)]
(->> (:features results)
(remove (fn [airport] (some #(re-find % (get-in airport [:properties :label]))
(defn closest-airport [config lat lon]
(p/let [airports (nearby-airports config lat lon)]
(->> airports
(sort-by #(get-in % [:properties :distance]))
(defn airport-geojson [config]
(p/let [airport->feature (fn [a]
(let [props (:properties a)]
{:type "Feature"
:properties {:shape "Circle"
:radius (* 1000 (:minimum-airport-distance-km config))
:name (:label props)}
:geometry {:type "Point"
:coordinates (-> a :geometry :coordinates)}}))
lat (:lat config)
lon (:lon config)
airports (nearby-airports config lat lon {:radius (+ (:radius-km config)
(:minimum-airport-distance-km config))})]
{:type "FeatureCollection"
:features (conj
(map airport->feature airports)
{:type "Feature"
:properties {:shape "Circle"
:radius (* 1000 (:radius-km config))
:name "Center"}
:geometry {:type "Point"
:coordinates [(:lon config) (:lat config)]}})}))
(defn log-table [table keys]
(let [s (with-out-str (pprint/print-table keys table))
lines (string/split-lines s)]
(doseq [l lines]
(log-info "%s" l))))
(def description-templates
(map generation/parse-template
;; BEGIN identity & type group. We choose one of the following:
;; 1. Civilian registration w/o type.
;; 2. Civilian registration w/ type.
"{registration}, {type|a-an},|"
;; Military registration w/o type.
"{militaryregistration}, a military aircraft,|"
;; Military registration w/ type.
"{militaryregistration}, a military {type},|"
;; Civilian w/ unknown registration, and don't have type.
"Aircraft with unknown registration, ICAO {icao}|"
;; Civilian w/ unknown registration, and have type.
"{type} with unknown registration, ICAO {icao}|"
;; Military with unknown registration.
"Military aircraft with unknown registration, ICAO {militaryicao}"
;; END identity & type group.
"] "
;; Callsign.
"?:[(callsign {callsign}) ]"
;; Ideally neighbourhood as well as city or county, but
;; maybe just city.
"is circling over [{neighbourhood}, {locality}|{neighbourhood}, {county}|{locality}|{localadmin}|{name}] "
;; Altitude.
"?:[at {alt} feet, ]"
;; Speed;
"?:[speed {speed} MPH, ]"
;; Transponder squawk.
"?:[squawking {squawk}, ]"
;; Landmark.
"?:[{nearbydistance} miles from {nearbylandmark} ]"
;; Hashtag based on registration.
"?:[#{registration|hashtag} |#{militaryregistration|hashtag} ]"
;; tar1090 link.
(defn expand-template [data]
(let [results (take 3 (generation/expand
{:weights {:militaryregistration 4
:registration 3
:militaryicao 2
:icao 1
:neighbourhood 3
:locality 3
:localadmin 1
:name 0.5}}))]
;;(log-info "Top description candidates (%s total):" (count results))
;;(log-table results [:score :text])
(first results)))
(defn km->miles [km]
(* km 0.621371))
(defn to-fixed [n d]
(.toFixed n d))
(defn merge-adsbx-aircraft-db-rec [ac ac-db-rec]
(cond-> ac
(and (nil? (:registration ac)) (:registration ac-db-rec))
(assoc :registration (:registration ac-db-rec))
(assoc :type (:type ac-db-rec))))
;; Creates a template expansion map from the following:
;; * ac - The ADSBX API entry
;; * ac-db-rec - The aircraft DB record
;; * reverse - reverse geocoder record
;; * wiki-nearby - nearby landmarks w/ Wikipedia pages
;; * nearby - nearby landmarks.
(defn template-data [ac ac-db-rec reverse nearby]
(let [rev-props (:properties reverse)
nearby (:properties nearby)
info (cond-> (-> ac
(dissoc :history :type)
(merge rev-props)
(merge-adsbx-aircraft-db-rec ac-db-rec))
(:military? ac)
(-> (assoc :militaryregistration (:registration ac)
:militaryicao (:icao ac)))
(assoc :nearbylandmark (:name nearby)
:nearbydistance (-> nearby :distance km->miles (to-fixed 2)))
(:speed ac)
(assoc :speed (.toFixed (* (:speed ac) 1.15078) 0))
(= (:registration ac) (:callsign ac))
(dissoc :callsign)
;; TODO: If layer is "county", find the nearest city.
(log-info "Template data: %s %s" nearby info)
(defn generate-description [ac ac-db-rec reverse nearby]
(let [info (template-data ac ac-db-rec reverse nearby)
expansion (expand-template info)]
(when (not expansion)
(log-warn "Info: %s" info))
(:text expansion)))
(defn feature-has-wikipedia-page? [f]
(get-in f [:addendum :osm :wikipedia]))
(defn recent-history [history]
(let [most-recent-time (:time (last history))
cutoff-time (- most-recent-time (* 6 60 1000))
recent-hist (filter #(> (:time %) cutoff-time) history)]
;; Returns [older, recent].
(defn split-history [history]
(let [most-recent-time (:time (last history))
cutoff-time (- most-recent-time (* 6 60 1000))]
(split-with #(< (:time %) cutoff-time) history)))
(defn filter-landmarks [config landmarks]
(let [block-regexes (map re-pattern (:blocklist config))
blocked? (fn [l]
(some #(re-find % (-> l :properties :name)) block-regexes))]
(filter #(not (blocked? %)) landmarks)))
(defn landmark [config lat lon]
(p/let [landmarks (p/-> (pelias/nearby
(:pelias config)
{ 100
:layers "venue"
:size 50})
_ (log-info "Nearest landmarks:")
_ (log-table (->> landmarks (take 3) (map :properties))
[:distance :label :locality :neighborhood :county :gid])
filtered-landmarks (filter-landmarks (:landmarks config) landmarks)
_ (when (not (= (take 3 landmarks) (take 3 filtered-landmarks)))
(log-info "After filtering landmarks:")
(log-table (->> landmarks (take 3) (map :properties))
[:distance :label :locality :neighborhood :county :gid]))]
(first filtered-landmarks)))
(defn geojson-linestring [coords props]
{:type "Feature"
:properties props
{:type "LineString"
:coordinates (map (fn [pos]
[(:lon pos) (:lat pos) (util/feet-to-meters (:alt pos))])
(defn track->geojson [older-positions recent-positions icao centroid]
{:type "FeatureCollection"
[(geojson-linestring older-positions
{:stroke "#c0070b"
:stroke-width 2
:stroke-opacity 1})
(geojson-linestring recent-positions
{:stroke "#f50000"
:stroke-width 2
:stroke-opacity 1})
{:type "Feature"
:properties {:marker-color "#7e7e7e"
:marker-size "medium"
:marker-symbol ""
:ICAO icao}
:geometry {:type "Point"
:coordinates [(:lon centroid) (:lat centroid)]}}]})
(defn process-potential-circle [ac config now]
(p/let [icao (:icao ac)
[older-positions recent-positions] (split-history (:history ac))
_ (log-info "%s: Recent history has %s positions, most recent is %s secs old"
(count recent-positions)
(/ (- now (:time (last recent-positions))) 1000))
centroid (geo/centroid recent-positions)
lat (:lat centroid)
lon (:lon centroid)
_ (log-info "%s: Recent centroid: %s %s" icao lat lon)
airport (closest-airport config lat lon)
airport-properties (:properties airport)]
(if airport
(log-info "%s: Closest airport is %s, distance: %s km"
(:icao ac) (:label airport-properties) (:distance airport-properties))
(log-info "%s: No airports nearby" (:icao ac)))
(if (and airport-properties (<= (:distance airport-properties) (:minimum-airport-distance-km config)))
(log-info "%s: Filtering out because it's %s km (minimum is %s) from %s"
(:icao ac)
(:distance airport-properties)
(:minimum-airport-distance-km config)
(:label airport-properties)
;; (let [alts (map :alt recent-positions)
;; min-alt (apply min alts)
;; max-alt (apply max alts)
;; ratio (/ max-alt min-alt)]
;; (log-info "%s: ratio of min alt to max alt: %s [%s - %s]" icao (.toFixed (/ max-alt min-alt) 1) min-alt max-alt))
(p/let [coarse (pelias/reverse (:pelias config) lat lon {:layers "coarse"})]
(let [coarse (first (:features coarse))]
(if (:properties coarse)
(log-info "%s: Reverse geocode: %s" icao (:properties coarse))
(log-error "%s: Reverse geocode failed: %s" icao coarse))
;; Note that if we're over the ocean we get null :(
(p/then (p/all [(map-screenshot (:icao ac) lat lon now (:screenshot config))
(aircraft-photo (:icao ac) (:registration ac))
(p/let [nearby (landmark config lat lon)
;;_ (log-info "WOOO %s" nearby)
ac-db-rec (if-let [ac-info-db-path (:aircraft-info-db-path config)]
(get-aircraft-info-record icao ac-info-db-path))]
(let [description (generate-description ac ac-db-rec coarse nearby)]
(log-info "%s Description: %s" (:icao ac) description)
(fn [[screenshot-path ac-photo description]]
(if (or (nil? coarse)
;; TODO: Filter using the layer hierarchy; we want
;; anything smaller than "region" (state).
;;(= (get-in coarse [:properties :name]) "California")
(log-info "%s: Filtering out because we have insuffucient reverse geo info" (:icao ac))
(if (and screenshot-path description)
(p/let [screenshot-image (util/read-file screenshot-path)]
(if (get-in config [:twitter :enabled?])
(twitter/tweet (twitter/twit (:twitter config))
(remove nil? [screenshot-image ac-photo])
(log-warn "Skipping tweeting"))
(let [path (str (string/join "-" [@log-prefix icao (util/format-utc-ts now)])
(clj->js (track->geojson older-positions recent-positions icao centroid)))
(log-warn "Skipping tweet %s %s" screenshot-path description)))))))))))
(defn process-potential-circles [acs config now]
(p/loop [acs acs]
(when (seq acs)
(process-potential-circle (first acs) config now)
(p/recur (rest acs))))))
(def default-config
;; We keep position reports going back this far.
:max-history-age-ms (* 25 60 1000)
;; This is how many degrees of turning we need to see over
;; max-history-age-ms ms to consider it a potential circling
;; aircraft.
:curviness-threshold-degrees (* 4 360)
;; If the centroid of the aircraft's positions is less than this
;; close to an airport, then it's probably just doing flight
;; training.
:minimum-airport-distance-km 2.5
:history-db-path "advisorycircular.json"
:aircraft-info-db-path "aircraft-info.sqb"
:twitter {:enabled? true}})
(defn build-config-from-commander [commander]
(cond-> {}
(.-adsbxUrl commander)
(assoc-in [:adsbx :url] (.-adsbxUrl commander))
;; Note that we're distinguishing from the situation where
;; --tweeting or --no-tweeting is supplied, in which case the
;; tweeting field will be true or false, from the situation where
;; it's not suppled, in which case it will be undefined/nil.
(not (nil? (.-tweeting commander)))
(assoc-in [:twitter :enabled?] (.-tweeting commander))
(.-peliasUrl commander)
(assoc-in [:pelias :url] (.-peliasUrl commander))
(.-aircraftInfoDb commander)
(assoc :aircraft-info-db-path (.-aircraftInfoDb commander))
(.-history commander)
(assoc :history-db-path (.-history commander))
(.-lat commander)
(assoc :lat (.-lat commander))
(.-lon commander)
(assoc :lon (.-lon commander))
(.-radius commander)
(assoc :radius-km (.-radius commander))))
(defn build-config [config cli-config secrets]
(util/deep-merge default-config config cli-config secrets))
(defn validate-config [config]
(let [required [[:lat]
[:adsbx :url]
[:adsbx :api-key]
[:pelias :url]]
present (util/nested-keys config)
missing1 (set/difference (set required) (set present))
missing2 (when (get-in config [:twitter :enabled?])
(let [required (map (fn [key] [:twitter key])
[:consumer-key :consumer-secret
:access-token :access-token-secret])]
(set/difference (set required) (set present))))
missing (concat missing1 missing2)]
(when (seq missing)
(throw (js/Error. (str "Missing configuration values: "
(string/join ", " (sort-by str missing))))))))
(def default-config-path "config.yaml")
(defn main [& args]
(-> commander
(.option "--lat <lat>" "Latitude of the circle of region of interest" parse-number)
(.option "--lon <lat>" "Longitude of the circle of the region of interest" parse-number)
(.option "--adsbx-url <url>" "ADSBX API url")
(.option "--pelias-url <url>" "Base pelias geocoder URL")
(.option "--radius <radius>" "Radius of the circle of interest, in km" parse-number)
(.option "--aircraft-info-db <path>" "Path to an aircraft info DB file")
(.option "--tweeting" "Enables tweeting")
(.option "--no-tweeting" "Do not tweet")
(.option "--config <path>" "Path to the configuration yaml file")
(.option "--secrets <path>" "Path to the secrets yaml file" "secrets.yaml")
(.option "--history <path>" "Path to history/state file" "advisorycircular.json")
(.option "--log-prefix <prefix>" "Log prefix to use")
(.option "--airport-geojson" "Generate airport GEOJSON and exit")
(.option "--create-aircraft-info-db-from-json <json path>" "Generate aircraft info DB and exit")
(.option "--test")
(.option "--icao <icao>")
(.option "--reg <reg>")
(.parse (.-argv js/process)))
(logging/set-log-prefix! (or (.-logPrefix commander) ""))
(reset! log-prefix (or (.-logPrefix commander) ""))
(.-createAircraftInfoDbFromJson commander)
(create-aircraft-info-db (.-createAircraftInfoDbFromJson commander) (.-aircraftInfoDb commander))
(.-airportGeojson commander)
(p/let [base-config (if-let [config-path (.-config commander)]
(util/read-config config-path)
(if (fs/existsSync default-config-path)
(util/read-config default-config-path)
cli-config (build-config-from-commander commander)
config (build-config base-config cli-config {})
geojson (airport-geojson config)]
(println (.stringify js/JSON (clj->js geojson) nil " ")))
(.-test commander)
(p/let [photo (airport-data-aircraft-photo (.-icao commander) (.-reg commander))]
(fs/writeFileSync "photo.jpg" photo))
(let [start-time (current-time)]
;; If --config-path is specified, definitely try to read that
;; file. Otherwise, only read config.yaml if it exists.
(p/let [base-config (if-let [config-path (.-config commander)]
(util/read-config config-path)
(if (fs/existsSync default-config-path)
(util/read-config default-config-path)
cli-config (build-config-from-commander commander)
secrets (util/read-config (.-secrets commander))
config (build-config base-config cli-config secrets)
_ (validate-config config)
history-db-path (:history-db-path config)
_ (when (not (fs/existsSync history-db-path))
(log-info "%s does not exist; creating empty one." history-db-path)
(write-history-db {} history-db-path))
db (read-history-db history-db-path)
data (get-adsbexchange-live-data
(merge (:adsbx config)
{:lat (:lat config)
:lon (:lon config)
:radius-nm (* (:radius-km config) 0.539957)}))
now (current-time)
[new-db potential-circles] (-> db
(update-history-db (:aircraft data) now config)
(detect-circles now config))]
(when potential-circles
(doseq [ac potential-circles]
(log-warn "%s: New circle detected: %s" (:icao ac) (ac-desc ac)))
(process-potential-circles potential-circles config now))
(write-history-db new-db (:history-db-path config))
(let [end-time (current-time)]
"Finished in %f s: %s aircraft; %s circles; top curvinesses: %s"
(/ (- end-time start-time) 1000)
(count new-db)
(count potential-circles)
(->> (vals new-db)
(sort-by :curviness)
(take 3)
(map #(str (:icao %) ":" (.toFixed (:curviness %) 0)))
(string/join " "))))))))
(p/catch :default e
(log-error "%s" e)
(log-error "%s" (.-stack e))
(.exit js/process 1))))
;; (.on js/process "unhandledRejection"
;; (fn [reason promise]
;; (log-error "Error: %s" (.-message reason))
;; (println (.-stack reason))
;; (.exit js/process 1)))