2022-12-19 01:10:23 -05:00

154 lines
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import matrix
import shared
from pprint import pprint
from dataclasses import dataclass
from scanf import scanf
def load_blueprints(rows):
blueprints = {}
for row in rows:
b, o_c, c_c, o_o_c, o_c_c, g_o_c, g_o_c = scanf(
"Blueprint %d: Each ore robot costs %d ore. "
"Each clay robot costs %d ore. "
"Each obsidian robot costs %d ore and %d clay. "
"Each geode robot costs %d ore and %d", row)
bp = Blueprint(b, o_c, c_c, o_o_c, o_c_c, g_o_c, g_o_c)
blueprints[] = bp
return blueprints
class Blueprint():
id :int
ore_ore_cost: int
clay_ore_cost: int
obsidian_ore_cost: int
obsidian_clay_cost: int
geode_ore_cost: int
geode_obsidian_cost: int
def can_produce_ore_robot(self, r):
return r.ore >= self.ore_cost
def can_produce_clay_robot(self, r):
return r.ore >= self.clay_ore_cost
def can_produce_obsidian_robot(self, r):
return r.ore >= self.obsidian_ore_cost and r.clay >= self.obsidian_clay_cost
def can_produce_geode_robot(self, r):
return r.ore >= self.geode_ore_cost and r.obsidian >= self.geode_obsidian_cost
class Resources():
ore: int = 0
clay: int = 0
obsidian: int = 0
geodes: int = 0
class Robots():
ore: int = 1
clay: int = 0
obsidian: int = 0
geodes: int = 0
# @shared.profile
#def part1(rows, minutes=12):
def part1(rows, minutes=24):
blueprints = load_blueprints(rows)
quality = 0
for _,bp in blueprints.items():
resources = Resources()
robots = Robots()
for minute in range(1, minutes+1):
print(f"== Minute {minute} ==")
_add_ore = False
_add_clay = False
_add_obsidian = False
_add_geode = False
if bp.can_produce_clay_robot(resources):
# Do we have enough to build obsidian?
if robots.clay < bp.obsidian_ore_cost:
print(f"Spend {bp.clay_ore_cost} ore to start building a clay-collecting robot.")
resources.ore -= bp.clay_ore_cost
_add_clay = True
if bp.can_produce_obsidian_robot(resources):
# Do we have enough to build geodes?
if robots.obsidian < bp.geode_obsidian_cost:
print(f"Spend {bp.obsidian_ore_cost} ore and {bp.obsidian_clay_cost} clay to start building an obsidian-collecting robot.")
resources.ore -= bp.obsidian_ore_cost
resources.clay -= bp.obsidian_clay_cost
_add_obsidian = True
if bp.can_produce_geode_robot(resources):
print(f"Spend {bp.geode_ore_cost} ore and {bp.geode_obsidian_cost} obsidian to start building a geode-cracking robot.")
resources.ore -= bp.geode_ore_cost
resources.obsidian -= bp.geode_obsidian_cost
_add_geode = True
resources.ore += robots.ore
resources.clay += robots.clay
resources.obsidian += robots.obsidian
resources.geodes += robots.geodes
if robots.ore > 0:
print(f"{robots.ore} ore-collecting robot collects {robots.ore} ore; you now have {resources.ore} ore.")
if robots.clay > 0:
print(f"{robots.clay} clay-collecting robot collects {robots.clay} clay; you now have {resources.clay} clay.")
if robots.obsidian > 0:
print(f"{robots.obsidian} obsidian-collecting robot collects {robots.obsidian} obsidian; you now have {resources.obsidian} obsidian.")
if robots.geodes > 0:
print(f"{robots.geodes} geode-cracking robot collects {robots.geodes} geodes; you now have {resources.geodes} geodes.")
if _add_ore:
robots.ore += 1
print(f"The new ore-collecting robot is ready; you now have {robots.ore} of them.")
if _add_clay:
robots.clay += 1
print(f"The new clay-collecting robot is ready; you now have {robots.clay} of them.")
if _add_obsidian:
robots.obsidian += 1
print(f"The new obsidian-collecting robot is ready; you now have {robots.obsidian} of them.")
if _add_geode:
robots.geodes += 1
print(f"The new geode-cracking robot is ready; you now have {robots.geodes} of them.")
quality += ( * resources.geodes)
# @shared.profile
def part2(rows, minutes=24):
def main():
rows = [row for row in shared.load_rows(19)]
with shared.elapsed_timer() as elapsed:
print("🕒", elapsed())
with shared.elapsed_timer() as elapsed:
print("🕒", elapsed())
if __name__ == "__main__":