Tyrel Souza 6c482630c2 cleanup
2022-12-18 01:36:15 -05:00

201 lines
4.6 KiB

import matrix
import shared
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Tuple, List
import operator
# ####
FLAT = ((0,0),(0,1),(0,2),(0,3))
# .#.
# ###
# .#.
# ..#
# ..#
# ###
J = ( (-2,2),
# #
# #
# #
# #
I = ((0,0),(-1,0),(-2,0),(-3,0))
# ##
# ##
ORDER = (('-',FLAT), ('+',CROSS), ('j',J), ('I',I), ('o',SQUARE))
OPS = {'>':operator.add, '<':operator.sub}
OFF = {'>': (0,1), '<':(0,-1)}
class Shape:
shape: Tuple[str,Tuple[Tuple[int,int]]] # ('j', ((0,0),....))
moving: bool = True
def char(self):
if self.moving:
return '@'
return self.at_rest_char
def at_rest_char(self):
return ORDER[self.rock%5][0]
def str(self):
return self.shape[0]
def offsets(self):
return self.shape[1]
def coords(self):
return [ (y+self.y,x+self.x) for y,x in self.shape[1]]
def find_highest(shapes, default_height):
if not shapes:
return default_height
#return min([y for s in shapes for y,_ in s.coords])
return min([s.coords[0][0] for s in shapes[-20:]])
#all_y = []
#for s in shapes[-20:]:
# all_y.append(s.coords[0][0])
#return min(all_y)
all_coords = set()
def collision_at(shapes, offset):
if len(shapes) == 1:
# Nothing to compare
return False
shape = shapes[-1]
# Take in all existing coordinates
for y,x in shape.coords:
if (y+offset[0],x+offset[1]) in all_coords:
return True
return False
def out_of_bounds(height, width, shapes, offset):
shape = shapes[-1]
if shape is None:
raise Exception("Please provide a list of coordinate offsets from Y,X to draw")
for y,x in shape.coords:
#print(f"\t{row}+{y} > {height}\t", f"{col}+{x} > {width}\t", f"{col}+{x} < 0")
if y+offset[0] >= height:
return True
if x+offset[1] >= width:
return True
if x+offset[1] < 0:
return True
return False
def part1(rows):
instructions = [r for r in rows]
height = 20
height = 2022*4+4
width = 7
view = height - 20
rock = 0
shapes = []
spawning = True
while rock < 2022:
if spawning:
# Add last rock's coords to all coords
if shapes:
for c in shapes[-1].coords:
X = 2
Y = find_highest(shapes, height) - 4
shape = Shape(rock=rock, y=Y, x=X, shape=ORDER[rock%len(ORDER)])
spawning = False
#render(width, height, shapes)
# loop through instructions
next_move = instructions.pop(0)
except IndexError:
instructions = [r for r in rows]
next_move = instructions.pop(0)
# Try to move right/left
next_offset = OFF[next_move]
if not out_of_bounds(height,width, shapes, (0, next_offset[1])) and not collision_at(shapes, next_offset):
shapes[-1].x += next_offset[1]
# check if hit bottom
next_offset = (1, next_offset[1])
if out_of_bounds(height, width, shapes, (next_offset[0],0)):
# hit bottom dont move down
shapes[-1].moving = False
spawning = True
rock += 1
if collision_at(shapes, (next_offset[0], 0)):
# Hit another Block dont move down
shapes[-1].moving = False
spawning = True
rock += 1
# can move down
shapes[-1].y += 1
#render(width, height, shapes)
print(height - find_highest(shapes, height))
def render(width, height, shapes):
mx = matrix.matrix_of_size(width, height)
for s in shapes:
matrix.draw_shape_at(mx, s.y, s.x, s.offsets, s.char)
# @shared.profile
def part2(rows):
print("NAH BRO")
def main():
rows = [row for row in shared.load_rows(17)][0]
with shared.elapsed_timer() as elapsed:
print("🕒", elapsed())
with shared.elapsed_timer() as elapsed:
print("🕒", elapsed())
if __name__ == "__main__":