
159 lines
4.9 KiB

import sys
import matrix
import shared
import scanf
from dataclasses import dataclass
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import List, Dict
from pprint import pprint
import networkx as nx
from IPython.display import Image, display
class Valve:
label: str
rate: int
tunnels: List[str]
opened_at: int = -1
potential: Dict[str, int] = None
def set_potential(self, valves):
self.potential = {}
for tunnel in self.tunnels:
self.potential[tunnel] = valves[tunnel].rate
def highest_potential(self):
return max(self.potential, key=self.potential.get)
def parse(rows):
valves = {}
for row in rows:
left, right = row.split(" valve")
right = right.replace("s ", "").lstrip()
valve, rate = scanf.scanf("Valve %s has flow rate=%d; %*s %*s to", left)
tunnels = right.split(", ")
valves[valve] = Valve(label=valve, rate=rate, tunnels=tunnels)
for _, v in valves.items():
return valves
def part1(rows, sample=False):
p1 = Part1(rows, sample, 30)
class Part1:
def __init__(self, rows, sample, minutes):
self.rows = rows
self.sample = sample
self.valves = parse(rows)
self.nonzero = {v.label: v for _, v in self.valves.items() if v.rate > 0}
self.cur = self.valves["AA"]
self.tick = 1
self.minutes = minutes
self.g = nx.DiGraph()
self.path_distances = defaultdict(dict)
def draw(self):
pdot = nx.drawing.nx_pydot.to_pydot(self.g)
def set_up_graph(self):
for lbl, v in self.valves.items():
for t in v.tunnels:
# self.g.add_edge(lbl, t, {'weight':self.valves[t].rate})
self.g.add_edge(lbl, t, weight=self.valves[t].rate)
all_keys = self.valves.keys()
for lbl, _ in self.valves.items():
for other in all_keys:
if other == lbl:
self.path_distances[lbl][other] = min([len(x) for x in nx.shortest_simple_paths(self.g, lbl, other)])
def do_tick(self, minute):
pressure = 0
opened = []
for _, valve in self.valves.items():
if valve.opened_at > 0:
pressure += valve.rate
print(f"== Min {minute}:: Valves {', '.join(opened)} are open, releasing {pressure} pressure")
def calculate_total_flow(self):
total = 0
for label, valve in self.valves.items():
if valve.opened_at > 0:
total += valve.rate * (30 - valve.opened_at)
return total
def run(self):
# Construct the graph with vertices & edges from the input
# Call a function to compute the distances between every pair of vertices
# Create a closed set containing all the valves with non-zero rates
# At each step, iterate over the remaining set of closed, non-zero valves
# - Subtract the distance from remaining minutes
# - Calculate the flow (rate * remaining minutes)
# - Remove the recently opened valve from the closed set (functionally), so the deeper levels won't consider it
def priority(remaining):
_pris = []
for _,n in self.nonzero.items():
# (time_remaining - distance_to_valve - 1) * flow rate
pri = (remaining - self.path_distances[self.cur.label][n.label] - 1) * n.rate
_pris.append((n.label, pri))
_pris = list(sorted(_pris, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))
return _pris
remaining = self.minutes
open_order = []
while len(self.nonzero):
if remaining <= 0:
print("ran out of time")
pris = priority(remaining)
_pri, _ = pris.pop(0)
n = self.nonzero[_pri]
del self.nonzero[_pri]
print("\tMoving to", n.label)
print("\tOpening ", n.label)
distance = self.path_distances[self.cur.label][n.label]
self.cur = n
self.cur.opened_at = self.minutes - (remaining + 1)
remaining -= distance # Move
remaining -= 1 # open
print("sample: 1651")
print("total flow:", self.calculate_total_flow())
def main():
sample = False
if sys.argv[-1] == "--sample":
sample = True
rows = [row for row in shared.load_rows(16)]
with shared.elapsed_timer() as elapsed:
part1(rows, sample)
print("🕒", elapsed())
# with shared.elapsed_timer() as elapsed:
# part2(rows, sample)
# print("🕒", elapsed())
if __name__ == "__main__":