2022-12-09 11:43:00 -05:00

137 lines
4.3 KiB

from pprint import pprint as pp
from shared import get_fname
import matrix
def part1(mx):
data = matrix.matrix_of_size(SIZE, SIZE)
data = matrix.set_matrix_dict(data)
for row in range(SIZE):
for col in range(SIZE):
data[row][col] = { "l": True, "r": True, "u": True, "d": True }
for row, _row in enumerate(mx):
# Skip outer edges
if row == 0 or row == MAX_IDX:
for col, _val in enumerate(mx[row]):
# Skip outer edges
if col == 0 or col == MAX_IDX:
# TODO: slice
# Get a list of indexes in the current direction to check
trees_u_indexes = list(range(0, row))
trees_l_indexes = list(range(0, col))
trees_d_indexes = list(range(MAX_IDX, row, -1))
trees_r_indexes = list(range(col+1, SIZE))
# Get the trees in the line
trees_u = [mx[y][col] for y in trees_u_indexes]
trees_l = [mx[row][x] for x in trees_l_indexes]
trees_d = [mx[y][col] for y in trees_d_indexes]
trees_r = [mx[row][x] for x in trees_r_indexes]
# find tallest tree in line
highest_u = max(trees_u)
highest_l = max(trees_l)
highest_d = max(trees_d)
highest_r = max(trees_r)
# if there's anything as tall, or taller than this tree in that line
# then it's not visible
if highest_u >= _val:
data[row][col]["u"] = False
if highest_l >= _val:
data[row][col]["l"] = False
if highest_d >= _val:
data[row][col]["d"] = False
if highest_r >= _val:
data[row][col]["r"] = False
# count visible
count = 0
for row in range(SIZE):
for col in range(SIZE):
u = data[row][col]["u"]
l = data[row][col]["l"]
d = data[row][col]["d"]
r = data[row][col]["r"]
if any((r,l,u,d)):
count += 1
def part2(mx):
data = matrix.matrix_of_size(SIZE, SIZE)
data = matrix.set_matrix_dict(data)
high_score = 0
for row in range(SIZE):
for col in range(SIZE):
data[row][col] = { "value": mx[row][col]}
for row, _row in enumerate(mx):
for col, _val in enumerate(mx[row]):
# Get a list of indexes in the current direction to check
# TODO: slice
trees_u_indexes = list(range(0, row))
trees_l_indexes = list(range(0,col))
trees_d_indexes = list(range(MAX_IDX, row, -1))
trees_r_indexes = list(range(col+1, SIZE))
# Grab the trees potentially in sight
trees_u = [mx[y][col] for y in trees_u_indexes]
trees_l = [mx[row][x] for x in trees_l_indexes]
trees_d = [mx[y][col] for y in trees_d_indexes]
trees_r = [mx[row][x] for x in trees_r_indexes]
# Reverse everything but r, as everything is "away" from the tree
data[row][col]["u"] = list(reversed(trees_u))
data[row][col]["l"] = list(reversed(trees_l))
data[row][col]["d"] = list(reversed(trees_d))
data[row][col]["r"] = trees_r
# Calculate score
score = 1 # identity yoooo
cell = data[row][col]
val = cell['value']
# Get the score of visible trees in each direction
for direction in ("u","l","d","r"):
in_line = cell[direction]
if not in_line:
# we're on an edge
score = 0
line_score = 0
for idx, tree in enumerate(in_line):
# for every tree, check if its as tall or taller,
# stop countig after that
line_score += 1
if tree >= val:
score = score * line_score
if score > high_score:
high_score = score
def main():
mx = matrix.load_matrix_file(get_fname(8))
if __name__ == "__main__":