
190 lines
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import matrix
import shared
from pprint import pprint
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Set, Tuple
from functools import cached_property
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class Cube:
x: int
y: int
z: int
neighbor_coords: Set[Tuple[int,int,int]] = None
def xyz(self):
return (self.x,self.y,self.z)
def set_neighbor_coords(self):
self.neighbor_coords = get_neighbors(self.x,self.y,self.z)
def get_neighbors(x,y,z):
# Generate the six neighbor_coords
# Look at a die 6 to the left, 2 on top, one on right
offsets = (
(1,0,0), # 1
(0,0,1), # 2
(0,-1,0),# 3
(0,1,0), # 4
(0,0,-1),# 5
(-1,0,0) # 6
return set([(x+o[0], y+o[1], z+o[2]) for o in offsets])
def get_flat_neighbors(x,y,z):
# Generate the six neighbor_coords
# Look at a die 6 to the left, 2 on top, one on right
# ignore top and bottom
offsets = (
(1,0,0), # 1
#(0,0,1), # 2
(0,-1,0),# 3
(0,1,0), # 4
#(0,0,-1),# 5
(-1,0,0) # 6
return set([(x+o[0], y+o[1], z+o[2]) for o in offsets])
def get_flat_neighbors_from(x,y,z, f):
return get_flat_neighbors(x,y,z).intersection(f)
# @shared.profile
def part1(rows):
cubes = {}
for idx, (x,y,z) in enumerate(rows):
cubes[(x,y,z)] = {'n':get_neighbors(x,y,z), 'not_me': tuple(map(tuple,rows[:idx] + rows[idx+1:]))}
potential = len(cubes) * 6
for coords, cube in cubes.items():
for other in cube['not_me']:
if other in cube['n']:
potential -= 1
def surface_area(rows):
cubes = {}
maxX,maxY,maxZ = 0,0,0
for idx, (x,y,z) in enumerate(rows):
cubes[(x,y,z)] = {'n':get_neighbors(x,y,z), 'not_me': set(map(tuple,rows[:idx] + rows[idx+1:]))}
maxX = max(maxX,x)
maxY = max(maxY,y)
maxZ = max(maxZ,z)
_cubes = frozenset(cubes.keys())
potential = len(cubes) * 6
for coords, cube in cubes.items():
for other in cube['not_me']:
if other in cube['n']:
potential -= 1
return potential, maxX,maxY,maxZ, cubes, _cubes
def part2(rows):
potential, maxX, maxY,maxZ,cubes,_cubes = surface_area(rows)
air = set()
for x in range(0,maxX+1):
for y in range(0,maxY+1):
for z in range(0,maxZ+1):
if (x,y,z) not in _cubes:
air -= _cubes # Remove all lava from air
all_air_count = len(air)
all_lava_count = len(_cubes)
possible_count = (maxX+1)*(maxY+1)*(maxZ+1)
print("all_air: ", all_air_count)
print("all_lava:", all_lava_count)
print("possible:", possible_count)
air_nx = {}
for a in air:
neighbors = get_neighbors(*a)
air_nx[a] = {
'lava':neighbors & _cubes or None,
'air': neighbors & air or None
# loop row by row
inside = []
for z in range(0,maxZ+1):
seen = set()
for y in range(0,maxY+1):
for x in range(0,maxX+1):
xyz = (x,y,z)
if xyz in _cubes:
#print(xyz,'is cube')
ns = get_flat_neighbors_from(x,y,z, air)
for neigh in ns:
if neigh in seen and neigh not in _cubes:
this_level = air_in_row(air, z)
print(this_level, seen)
print(len(this_level), len(seen))
inside.extend([x for x in this_level if x not in seen])
actually_inside = []
for i in inside:
ns = get_neighbors(*i)
# check for surrounded 100% by rock
rock_count = 0
for n in ns:
if n in _cubes:
rock_count +=1
if rock_count == 6:
print("in rock")
#check for surrounded 100% by air
air_count = 0
for n in ns:
if n in air:
air_count +=1
print("in air")
tot, _, _, _, _, _ = surface_area(actually_inside)
print(potential - tot)
shared.render_cubes(maxX,maxY,maxZ, [x for x in actually_inside])
def air_in_row(air, z):
x = []
for a in air:
if a[2] == z:
return x
def main():
rows = [list(map(int,row.split(","))) for row in shared.load_rows(18)]
with shared.elapsed_timer() as elapsed:
print("🕒", elapsed())
#rows = [map(int,row.split(",")) for row in shared.load_rows(18)]
with shared.elapsed_timer() as elapsed:
print("🕒", elapsed())
if __name__ == "__main__":