day15 part 2, wow slowww

This commit is contained in:
Tyrel Souza 2022-12-15 14:33:20 -05:00
parent 75fe308ae0
commit a8ffeb0f4c
2 changed files with 139 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -4,14 +4,10 @@ import sys
from pprint import pprint
import shared
from scanf import scanf
from typing import Optional
from typing import Optional, List, Tuple
from dataclasses import dataclass
from collections import defaultdict
LIMIT = 4000000
#def fuckoff_ill_do_my_own_cityblock(y1,x1, y2,x2):
def cityblock(y1,x1, y2,x2):
return abs(y2-y1) + abs(x2-x1)
@ -21,7 +17,14 @@ class Sensor:
sY: int
bX: int
bY: int
limit: Tuple[int,int] = (0,0)
_d: int = None
_edges: List[Tuple[int,int]]= None
_border: List[Tuple[int,int]]= None
def __str__(self):
return (f"Sensor(sX={self.sX}, sY={self.sY}, bX={self.bX},"
f"bY={self.bY}, d={self._d}, edges={len(self._edges)}, borders={len(self._borders)})")
def s(self):
@ -53,6 +56,13 @@ class Sensor:
return list(range(start[1],end[1]+1))
def in_range(self, bY,bX):
d = cityblock(self.sY,self.sX, bY, bX)
if self.d < d:
return False
return True
def in_diamond(self):
sX,sY = self.sX, self.sY
up_lim = sY - self.distance
@ -75,6 +85,62 @@ class Sensor:
for y in range(sY-height, sY+height+1):
yield (y,x)
def edges(self):
if self._edges:
return self._edges
sX,sY = self.sX, self.sY
up_lim = sY - self.distance
dn_lim = sY + self.distance
le_lim = sX - self.distance
ri_lim = sX + self.distance
u = (up_lim, sX)
d = (dn_lim, sX)
l = (sY, le_lim)
r = (sY, ri_lim)
infliction = 1
height = -1
edges = set()
# to left -1 and right + 1
for idx, x in enumerate(range(l[1],r[1]+1)):
height += infliction
if (sY, x) == self.s:
infliction = -1
self._edges = edges
return self._edges
def border(self):
if self._border:
return self._border
sX,sY = self.sX, self.sY
up_lim = sY - self.distance
dn_lim = sY + self.distance
le_lim = sX - self.distance
ri_lim = sX + self.distance
u = (up_lim, sX)
d = (dn_lim, sX)
l = (sY, le_lim)
r = (sY, ri_lim)
infliction = 1
height = -1
border = set()
# to left -1 and right + 1
for idx, x in enumerate(range(l[1]-1,r[1]+2)):
height += infliction
if (sY, x) == self.s:
infliction = -1
self._border = border
return self._border
def part1(rows, sample=False):
sensors = []
@ -89,11 +155,14 @@ def part1(rows, sample=False):
minX, maxX = min(xSet),max(xSet)
minY, maxY = min(ySet),max(ySet)
limLo = min(minX,minY)
limHi = max(maxX,maxY)
for sensor in sensors:
sensor.limit = (limLo,limHi)
if sample:
@ -136,13 +205,13 @@ def part1(rows, sample=False):
mx[y][x] = "S"
print(matrix.ppmx(mx, pad=False,space=True))
tuning = lambda y,x: y + (4000000 * x)
tuning = lambda y,x: y + (LIMIT * x)
def part2(rows):
def part2(rows, sample=False):
sensors = []
sensor_points = []
beacon_points = []
ineligible_points = set()
xSet = set()
ySet = set()
for row in rows:
@ -156,22 +225,66 @@ def part2(rows):
minY, maxY = min(ySet),max(ySet)
for sensor in sensors:
_ = sensor.edges()
_ = sensor.border()
if sample:
for yx in sensor.in_diamond():
#coord_range = (0, LIMIT)
coord_range = (0, 20)
L = 4000000
if sample:
L = 20
ineligible = set()
borders = defaultdict(int)
for s in sensors:
coll = s.on_line(CHECK_ROW)
count_ignoring_current_beacons = 0
for i in ineligible:
if (CHECK_ROW, i) not in beacon_points:
count_ignoring_current_beacons += 1
print(count_ignoring_current_beacons, "with removing beacons, final answer")
for yx in s.border():
y,x = yx
if y > 0 and y <= L and x > 0 and x <= L:
borders[yx] += 1
for (eY,eX) in borders.keys():
away_from = []
for idx, s in enumerate(sensors):
d = s.distance_to(eY,eX)
if d > s.distance:
if len(away_from) == len(sensors):
TARGET = (eY,eX)
print(TARGET, tuning(eY,eX))
if not sample:
mx = matrix.matrix_of_size(maxX+1, maxY+1)
for yx in ineligible_points:
y,x = yx
if y >= 0 and x >= 0:
if y <= maxY and x <= maxX:
mx[y][x] = "#"
for yx in beacon_points:
y,x = yx
if y >= 0 and x >= 0:
if y <= maxY and x <= maxX:
mx[y][x] = "B"
for yx in sensor_points:
y,x = yx
if y >= 0 and x >= 0:
if y <= maxY and x <= maxX:
mx[y][x] = "S"
mx[TARGET[0]][TARGET[1]] = "!"
matrix.highlight(mx, blink_green=[TARGET,])
def main():
sample = False
@ -183,9 +296,9 @@ def main():
part1(rows, sample)
print("🕒", elapsed())
#with shared.elapsed_timer() as elapsed:
# part2(rows)
# print("🕒", elapsed())
with shared.elapsed_timer() as elapsed:
part2(rows, sample)
print("🕒", elapsed())
if __name__ == "__main__":

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@ -334,6 +334,6 @@ def highlight(matrix, red=[], green=[], blue=[], blink_green=[]):
for (y, x) in blink_green:
new = f"{colors.BLINK}{colors.GREEN}{mx[y][x]}{colors.ENDC}"
mx[y][x] = new
ppmx(mx, pad=False, space=True, zero="0")
print(ppmx(mx, pad=False, space=True, zero="0"))